D Power

Diesel-pow­ered ground power supply

Friendly to users and environment

Inno­v­a­tive use of diesel

D POWER ensures a high-quality ground power supply for air­craft in the flight prepa­ra­tion phase. With the most inno­v­a­tive Ground Power Unit, you can reduce your total cost of own­er­ship (TCO) while increasing envi­ron­mental and user-friendliness.

The D POWER delivers the optimal overall package of cost-effec­tive­ness, ser­vice and safety. Thanks to the extremely high effi­ciency, we were able to sig­nif­i­cantly reduce the engine speed – with an optimal, stable supply. As a result, this means lower main­te­nance costs and the lowest sound level.

Rough Spec­i­fi­ca­tions

Per­for­mance class: 90 to 180 kvA
Power factor: 0,8 to 1,0
Voltage: 200/115V
Fre­quency: 400 Hz
Noise level:  75 dB(A) @ 1m
Over­load behav­iour: 110 % for 60 min, 125 % for 5 min


Due to the high effi­ciency of the gen­er­ator, air­craft can also be opti­mally sup­plied in par­tial load operation.

D POWER is oper­ated intu­itively and easily via a touch panel. The panel is suit­able for even the most adverse air­port con­di­tions. It is easy to read in high sun­light, dust­proof and water­proof and can be easily oper­ated with gloves.

Ser­vice work is short and easy thanks to the mod­ular switchgear. Gen­er­ously designed side flaps allow optimal access.

D Power
Product- benefits
  • Opti­mized profitability
  • Increased effi­ciency
  • Max­imum servicability
  • Sim­pli­fied operation

More prod­ucts


Do you need sup­port? Our ser­vice team will be happy to take time for you! 

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Spare Parts

With our inter­na­tional loca­tions, we can sup­port you with spare parts quickly and easily — worldwide.

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Tech­nical support

Is your power supply not run­ning opti­mally? Do you need sup­port from our experts? We are happy to help!

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One of your Hitzinger prod­ucts needs a repair? Simply con­tact us now — we will take care of it!

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longevity & sustainable


With our refur­bish­ment, your Hitzinger prod­ucts will be like new again, even after decades!


Contact Customer Service

You need support? Our service team will be happy to take time for you!


MONDAY - THURSDAY 8.00 - 16.00
FRIDAY 8.00 - 12.00


Tel: +43 732 381 681-366
E-Mail: parts@hitzinger.at


Tel: +43 732 381 681-385
E-Mail: support@hitzinger.at

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